We, the undersigned, seek to maintain the ethical independence of the medical profession and the liberty to practice medicine according to our conscience.

  • We believe it is in the patient’s best interests for doctors to adhere to a code of ethics that is independent of any standards set by governments or practices that may be permitted by legislation.
  • We believe that as health professionals we have a duty to educate and inform fully so that best management decisions can be made and that such may include a refusal to comply with patient demand where such is inconsistent with good medical practice.
  • We further believe there are times when the patient request cannot be complied with because it conflicts with our integrity and ethical stance.
  • It is our right and obligation to practice medicine according to our conscience. We will not engage in or facilitate procedures or practices that we believe are in conflict with our conscience.
Name Qualifications Field of Work City
Dr Lachlan DunjeyMBBS FRACGP DObstRCOGGPMorley, WA
Dr Rod StephensonMBBSGeneral practiceBerwick, VIC
Dr Terrence Kentmb,bs, FRACGPGeneral Practice, NaprotechnologyRaceview, QLD
Dr Robyn JamesBald Hills, QLD
Dr Paul WrigleyMBBS, MM, PhD, FANZCA, FFPMANZCAPain MedicineSt Leonards, NSW
Dr Julene HaackMBBS Hons I, Dip RANZCOG, FRACGPWooloowin, QLD
Dr Zelle HodgeMBBS FRACGPGPMitchelton, QLD
Dr Rory DonnellanFRCPAhistopathologyLogan Reserve, QLD
Dr Robert ClaxtonMB BS FRACS FRCSSurgery GeneralCampsie, NSW
Dr Thalia ShuttleworthMB.BS FRCS Ed FRACO FRCOphthOphthalmologist RetMosman, NSW
Dr Theo ShemanskyMBBS, FRACGP, B App Sci (Pod)General PracticeNoosaville, QLD
Dr Margaret PayneMBBS,FRANZCOG,FRCOG,BCOUNSobstetrics and gynaecology (ret)St Huberts Island, NSW
Dr Julie McClellanMB.BSGeneral practiceCranbourne, VIC
Dr Andrew PitherMBBS FRACGPGPDoncaster East, VIC
Professor Kuruvilla GeorgePsychiatryForest Hill, VIC
Dr Mary TreacyMBBS(ret)Caringbah, NSW
Dr Tyler SchofieldMBBS, FRACGP, Dip Child HealthGeneral PracticeEpping, NSW
Mr Michael ShanahanMBBS FRACSretSalter Point, WA
Dr Rosianna WeeGarren, ACT
Dr Sally TsangMBBS (Hons.), BA (Phil.)MedicineParkville, VIC
Dr Nell MuirdenMBBS, DTM&H, FAChPMPalliative Medicine retNorth Balwyn, VIC
Dr Lucia MiglioreMBBS DCHRMOBox Hill South, VIC
Dr Andrew BradbeerMBBS, FRACPPhysicianHamilton, VIC
Dr Dominica HoMBBS, FRACGPBrisbane, QLD
Dr Vincent LeeMBBSHouse OfficerWestlake, QLD
Dr Alex TanBMedSc (Hons), MBBS (Hons)Resident Medical OfficerNedlands, WA
Dr Felicity WildMB BSGeneral PracticeGlen Forrest, WA
DR Andrew KamMBBS(Qld) FRACRretWembley Downs, WA
DR Trudie RombolaMBBSGeneral Practice and Medical Education (University)Windsor, NSW
Dr Aet LeesM.D., F.R.A.C.P.RetiredCheltenham, NSW
Dr Mathew PiercyMBBS, FANZCA, FCICMIntensive CareTatura, VIC
Mr Mark HurworthMBChB, FRCS(Ed), FRACSOrthopaedic SurgeonClaremont, WA
Dr Andrew HuntBMedAnaesthesiaKardinya, WA
Prof Peter RavenscroftAM MB BS MD FRACP FFPM ANZCA FAChPMPalliative CareMerewether, NSW
Dr Elizabeth RavenscroftMB BS FRACP FRCPMerewether, NSW
Dr. Brett HurleyMBBSEmergencyVaucluse, NSW
dr brian pollardmb bs fanzca grad cert bioethicsretiredgreenwich, NSW
Dr. Norman GageM.B. B.S. F.R.A.N.Z.C.O.G. Post Grad.Dip.Pall.Care.Palliative MedicineDunsborough, WA
Dr Monica GantusMDICURockhampton, QLD
Dr Joseph DezordiFRACPPaediatricsSubiaco, WA
Dr Eleanor SharlandGeneral PracticeWillagee, WA
Mr Ben McAlpinDip A.B.R.S.M., B MedscMBBSCherrybrook, NSW
Mr Lindsay GriggMBBS FRCS FRACSCardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery (Rtd)Fadden, ACT
Dr Gabriel JamesBSc MSc MBBSJunior doctorCherrybrook, NSW
dr Peter ColemanMbBs FracgpGPNew lambton Hts, NSW
Dr Jeremy BeckettMBBSGeneral PracticeGERALDTON, WA
Dr Catherine CrowleyMBBS(hon)DipPaedclinical hospital CMO education medical school: senior lecturer/tutorcollaroy plateau, NSW
Dr Mary WalshMBBS FRACGPGeneral PracticeTemplestowe Lwr, VIC
Dr Rob HodgeMB.BS.FRACSENTBrisbane, QLD
Dr Wesley AngMBBS, FRACGPGeneral PracticeBox Hill, VIC
Dr Phillip EliasMBBS MSc (Med) BA (Hons) (UNSW) Dip. Ed. Studies (CoT)KENSINGTON, NSW
Dr Albert MattiInternMedicineSheidow park, SA
Arthur HartwigM.B. B.S.RetiredNerang, QLD
Dr. Robert WhittakerM.B.Ch.B. D.A. Dip.Obs. FRACGP FACRRMRural GeneralistForbes, NSW
Dr Jacinta Le PageMBBS BScMedical School Lecturer & Junior DrHeidelberg Heights, VIC
Dr. Joseph SantamariaMBBS,FRACP, MMEDPhysicianMcCrae, VIC
Dr Alison BignellMBBS,FRACGP,FASBP,NFPMCGeneral Practice,Breast Physician,Fertility ResearchManly West, QLD
Dr Nyree SwanBSc, MBBS Hons I, FRACGPGeneral PracticeYamanto, QLD
Dr Anil TandonMBBS FRACPPalliative CareNedlands, WA
Dr Christopher HallowayMBBS, FRCOG,FRANZCOGObstets and GynaeBathurst, NSW
Doctor William WARRMBBS FRACGP FASMFGeneral PracticeMount Martha, VIC
Dr Nick WoolfieldMbChB, DCH, Dip Obst, FRACp, FSAHMpaediatric and adolescent medicineCaboolture, QLD
Dr David LimMbbs FracgpGPNewtown, NSW
Dr Tania ChinMBBSGeneral PracticeSouth Hurstville, NSW
Doctor Michael TanM.B.,B.S.,M.F.M.,M.Th.,Dip. (Prof. Ethics)General Practice, Palliative CareBlacktown, NSW
DR Mark FitzmauriceMBBSHornsby, NSW
Dr Robert Britten-Jones AOMBBS(Adel) FRCS FRACSRet\'d Gen. SurgeonWalkerville, SA
Dr Gordon LeeMBBSGPBexley N, NSW
Doctor Peter ChongMBBS, BSc (Med)general practiceNorth Rocks, NSW
Dr Peter RoachMBBS, FRACGPGPTurramurra, NSW
Dr Michael CaseyM.B B.SGeneral PracticeSydney, NSW
Dr Alan DonoghueMBChB (Otago) MBA FRANZCOG FRCOGOBGYNPalmerston North, VIC
Dr Kenneth CurryMB BS, MMedEd,FAChAMAddiction MedicineBellevue Hill, NSW
Dr Ana HernandezMBBSgeneral practicePascoe Vale, VIC
Dr Graeme CummingFRACGPGPGreenfields, QLD
A/Prof Romano PirolaMD, FRACP, OAMGastroenterologyRandwick, NSW
Dr Penny FletcherBSc(Med)MBBS(hons)General practiceKensington, NSW
Dr Elvis SemanMB BS, FRANZCOG, FRCOG, EUCOGEGynaecologyGlenelg South, SA
Dr Duncan ChangMBBS FRACGPGeneral PracticeRhodes, NSW
dr amanda lamontmbbsfertilitycareDoubleview, WA
Dr Shirley AuMBBS, DipRANZCOGgeneral practiceWhittlesea, VIC
Dr Catherine GirdlerB. Med.GPLambton, NSW
Dr Rosemary WongMBBS, MD(Melb), FRACPEndocrinologyMalvern, VIC
Dr Suresh JohnFRANZCOGO&GWantirna, VIC
Dr Carrie HsiehMBBS FRACGPGPBurwood, VIC
Dr Sue ChingMBBSMedical doctorBox Hill South, VIC
Dr Richard ShawyerMB BS MTH DipRACOGgeneral practiceNarre Warren, VIC
Dr Melvin YongMBBS, BMedSciCarlton, VIC
Dr Carlee MarkMBBS, DRANZCOGGeneral PracticeCOLAC, VIC
Dr Daini OngMBBSOphthalmologyTemplestowe, VIC
Dr Kim TanMBBS, FRACGPGeneral PracticeColeraine, VIC
Dr Sarah AllenBmedGeneral PracticeNorth Lambton, NSW
Dr Ben WeatherheadMBBS BMedSciInternTynong North, VIC
Dr Helen GorgievskiB. Med (Newcastle)General PracticeNorth Lambton, NSW
dr anne ( mui ngee) tanMRCOG (UK)obstetrics and gynaewantirna south, VIC
Dr Rebecca ZachariahMBBSObstetricsGlen Waverley, VIC
Dr Pieta McLeanMBBSGeneral PracticeKangaroo Flat, VIC
Dr Rachel MadhwanMBBSPaediatricsPoint Cook, VIC
Dr William SouthwellM.B.,B.S. FRACGPGeneral Practice [Ret]Rowville, VIC
Dr Barbara MartinMBBS, FRCOG,FRANZCOG, FAChPMPalliative MedicineCamberwell, VIC
Dr Peter CookZetland, NSW
Dr Alice LacMBBSClayton, VIC
Dr Emma KuMBBSEmergencyKogarah, NSW
Dr Lucy van BaalenB.Med, FRACGP, FAMACGP, acupuncturistWaratah, NSW
Dr Theresa OngMBBS, RACGPGeneral PracticeRhodes, NSW
Dr Natasha YatesMBBS, FRACGPGeneral PracticeWamboin, NSW
Dr Simon PilbrowMBBS, PhD, FRACGPGeneral PracticeRosebud, VIC
Dr Nathan GrillsMBBS, PHDMedicineAscot Vale, VIC
Dr Raymond BinnsMB BS FRANZCPPsychiatryGnangara, WA
Dr Anne DawsonMBBSPaediatricsMaribyrnong, VIC
Dr Robert PollnitzMBBS FRACPPaediatricsNorth Adelaide, SA
Dr Mark HobartmbbsGPSunshine North, VIC
Dr Judith WoolleyEast Gosford, NSW
Dr Jane GivneyMBBSmedicineCronulla, NSW
Dr Kathryn MartinBScMBBS FRACGPGeneral PracticeRedhead, NSW
Dr Andriya MartinovicMBBS UQ 1981Specialist GP/Locum Rural GeneralistSalisbury, QLD
Dr Jovina GrahamMBBSMedicineLugarno, NSW
Dr Douglas BridgeBMedSc(Hons), MBBS, FRACP, FRCP, FAChPM, DTM&HPalliative MedicinePERTH, WA
Dr John FrancisMB.,BS.,FRACGPRetired G.PGoode Beach, WA
Dr Scott HardenMBBS FRANZCPPsychiatristAshgrove, QLD
Dr Theo ShemanskyMBBS, FRACGP, B App Sci (Pod)General PracticeNoosaville, QLD
Dr Matthew WongRMOMedicineWishart, QLD
Dr Graham ToohillMBBS FRACGP D ObsRCOGGPLeongatha, VIC
Dr Lucas McLindonMBBS FRACGPO&G RegistrarOxley, QLD
Dr Mark StrelnikowMBBS, FRACGPGeneral PracticeGordon, ACT
Dr Anthony McLindonChiropractorHamilton, VIC



Name Qualifications Field of Work City
Mr Peter LuuDandenong North, VIC
Mrs Caryl LongGood moral conscienceretiredBELMONT, VIC
Mr Vivian HillBA, BEd, MEdSchool chaplainDingley Viullage, VIC
Mrs Suzanne EwersEnrolled NurseNurseGreenwood, WA
mr malcolm wilsonAdv. Dip (Counselling)Dip.H.E. (Theol)communitywarragul, VIC
Dr Jade ChaiBSScDentistryBundoora, VIC
Miss Grace UkichMedical studentKensington, NSW
Mrs Maxine BallingerMidwifeMaternityNorth Rockhampton, QLD
Ms Quan YuanKensington, NSW
Mr James McKinnonDip Arch, Dip TRPRet. Architect & Town PlannerNoranda, WA
Mr Gerard GoiranB.AAdministrator residential aged careThornlie, WA
Mrs Irene BentinkRN,Post grad diploma health services managementAged CareMartin, WA
Mr James WeiMedical StudentCarlton, VIC
Miss Jessica KroezeAdministrative SecretaryBedfordale, WA
Mr David HargreavesBScMedical StudentLane Cove, NSW
Mr David ShearerRetired LawyerEast Victoria Park, WA
Mrs Jennifer MaddenB Pharmlocxum,medication reviewsUranquinty, NSW
Miss Lauren HofmannBachelor Medical Science, Current 1st Year MBBSStudentOatlands, NSW
Miss Joanne TanUndergrad StudentMedicineCarlton, VIC
Mr Mark DixonMedical StudentSydney, NSW
Matthew OvertonMedical StudentAlfords Point, NSW
Mr Blake KnapmanB.App.Sc.(MRS)DIAG.RADMedical StudentGunnedah, NSW
Mr Patrick StapletonMedical StudentEast Blaxland, NSW
Miss Deborah MoranMedical StudentGarran, ACT
Rev Ian CullenBRurSc, BTh, Cert IV TAAPastoral, EducationPINJARRA, WA
Mr Michael DavisB.App.Sc (Phty)medical studentHornsby, NSW
Mr Matthew BeardB.Phil (Hons)University ResearchCherrybrook, NSW
Miss Rebecca LewisStudentMedicineSydney, NSW
Mr Christopher ChangTumbi Umbi, NSW
Miss Melissa HammondCoogee, NSW
Tracey OngRhodes, NSW
Mrs Kathryn VelickovicCASULA, NSW
Mrs Debbie GarrattM.Ed, B.Ed. B.N. Various dipsNursing/counsellingWodonga, VIC
Mrs Elizabeth KinseyMPsychHealth PsychologyHampton, VIC
Mrs Beth HartStudentNursingMount Pleasant, WA
Corinna AldridgeRegistered NurseScottsdale, TAS
Mrs Danae Manningregisterd nurseneonates/paedsTHE VINES, WA
A/Prof. John DearinMB BS, BSc(Med)Hons,M.Bioeth. DGM, DMR .A.Theol. FRACGP, FACRRMAcademic ClinicianLithgow, NSW
Mr Timothy HawesB Sc (psych)PsychologyWallsend, NSW
Miss Christine FergusonBsc, RN, Grad dip DivintyInfectious DiseaseEast Brunswick, VIC
Ms. margaret QuinnRN/Midwife/MCHNMaternl/Child HealthBerwick, VIC
mr shawn mclindonB.Sc/B.ClinScChiropracticballarat, VIC
Mrs Kaye McLindonMother9 children in healthcare politics and teaching.Hamilton, VIC